Saturday, July 19, 2008

Last Post

So, this is it. The journey of a thousand gigabytes is coming to an end. It was interesting, frustrating, daunting and enlightening. Among the useful things that came away from it was the RSS feeds. What a neat thing to be able to get the news updates in one place. I may use that for my own intellectual questings later. I also thought some of the photo things looked like fun, but I do not currently own a digital camera and I always forgot to bring in my photo disks, so I did not try to upload one of my own photos to my blog. I liked Tumblr. It was so easy to access and use.
I did not really like myspace or facebook. They asked for too much information. It made me uncomfortable to put so much personal info out there. I also started receiving spam at my work e-mail after starting this project. Hindsight being 20/20, I think I would have rather have set up a new free account and ran all the connections to this training through that. Well, so much for hindsight prior to starting something.
On the happy note, I was able to explain a wiki to my mom and actually sound like I really understood it myself. She has the same disability as I do, we both knew the original Wiki, who would chase tennis balls until the human throwing them would get tired. So we both picture a small beige doggie when we hear the work Wiki!
So, all in all, this has been an interesting tour. Thanks for the opportunity!
Could it be? Could Tumblr be even easier than Blogger? I think perhaps! It was so easy that even I could do it without having to search my memory for ages trying to recall all the techi-talkie. It offers a wide variety of do-ables in an easy to access format. I LIKE it!